Independent Schools Practice Area Major Gifts Masterclass
As a leader in philanthropic consulting to independent schools for 60 years, GG+A has supported hundreds of school clients across the country and globe in accelerating philanthropic growth. Below is a sampling of webinars and thought leadership articles, in which members of GG+A’s Independent Schools Practice Area share their industry-leading thinking and personal experiences working in and consulting to school fundraising programs.
Maintaining momentum for major gifts fundraising between campaigns
WatchThe Head of School’s Role in Fundraising: A Conversation with Sue Sadler
WatchIndependent School Fundraising During Challenging Times, with GG+A’s Independent Schools Practice Area
Watch'How we kept fundraising going in a pandemic', with Penn Charter Chief Development Officer John T. Rogers and GG+A Senior Vice President Jim McKey
WatchIndependent schools and COVID-19: How institutions can navigate the economic impact, with Kinkaid School Director of Advancement Tom Moore and GG+A Senior Vice President Elizabeth Kolb Farr
WatchThought Leadership
Independent schools’ major gifts fundraising is not just for campaigns anymore
by Suzanne Hilser-Wiles
ReadBoard best practices for independent school fundraising
by Jim McKey
ReadAdvancement Adages to Succeed By
by Elizabeth Kolb Farr
ReadGift-Officer-In-Chief: The head of school’s role in major gifts work
by Shelby LaMar
ReadSix Steps to a Successful Fundraising Strategy
by Suzanne Hilser-Wiles
ReadIs It Time to Build or Expand Your Major Gifts Program?
by Jim McKey
ReadIndependent Schools Need to Shift from Pivoting to Proactive Planning
by Shelby LaMar
ReadRetail Therapy and the Donor Experience
by Elizabeth Kolb Farr
ReadTapping into Connectivity: Engaging Alumni after significant changes have been made to the school
by Suzanne Hilser-Wiles
ReadPlanned Giving and Pandemics: Strategies for Smaller Shops
by Jim McKey
ReadThe FY21 Annual Fund: Hope is not a Strategy
by Elizabeth Kolb Farr
ReadPlanned Giving Tips for Major Gifts Officers
by Elizabeth Kolb Farr
ReadThen and Now: CASE-NAIS Review and a Look at Independent Schools Over Time
by Jim McKey
ReadOur independent schools experts partner with colleagues across the firm who specialize in constituent surveys, philanthropic analytics, strategic communications, and teaching and coaching to bring a broad, collaborative, and evidence-based approach to serving our clients.